It turns out the LMSs will get laptops too with a trade-in. We're very happy about that.
I suppose it's pretty pathetic that I'm spending a Saturday morning blogging, but my dog woke me up at 5:00 today so I got all sorts of chores done early. Don't let the picture deceive you -- he's cute, but not at 5:00 a.m. I decided to look at some of my colleagues' blogs, do some of the 23 things, etc. I looked at the articles and found it encouraging that the president of Toshiba felt compelled to write about information literacy, making some good points as a matter of fact. Also, for the first time I skimmed the results of last year's MILP. I thought the teacher and LMS survey info was very interesting. Too bad about the pre- & post-test data. I hope this year's data is more reflective of what the project accomplished.
I'm mulling over where on my webpage to put a new section called "Helpful Blogs." I found some consumer-related blogs in the paper this summer that would help kids & staff, but I can't really post them on my Reliable Online Resources page, because I can't vouch for every blog like I can for the ROR sites. Maybe on the Research page --- nah, maybe not. I'll have to think about this some more.