"Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." -- Mark Twain

Monday, October 8, 2007

Finished Things 1-3

I just realized I haven't been posting according to directions, so this post will take care of reporting that I've done the first three things. I also have enrolled at sitemeter so that I can see how many hits my library webpage receives and how many Como's Reliable Online Resources webpage receives. I think the e-mail with my username/password confirmation went into spamjam, however, so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to see if it worked.

1 comment:

Kita Vang Her said...

Hi Linda,
Thanks for your comment about academic journals- please let me know what I can do to access it.
I'll see you tomorrow at our workshop!



Libraries are Groovy

Libraries are Groovy

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Having gone back to school nearly every fall since 1955 either as a student, teacher or library media specialist, I find myself somewhere entirely new: in the unchartered land of the retired. I'm hoping this blog will help me find my legs. Well I guess someone else's legs would be better considering....