"Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." -- Mark Twain

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Subscription Databases - Thing #13

The students are getting so used to using the citation link in the databases that when they can't find the "cite" link they get upset. Ninth graders are all introduced to Como's Reliable Online Resources webpage during library orientation. I've taken the district's ROR links and categorized them in student-friendly groups. I've also added to my ROR webpage several reliable websites that are not purchased databases. To reinforce the database introduction, four times a year during homeroom every ninth grader visits a computer lab and completes exercise sheets that explore four different databases. Additionally, when teachers ask me to put together links for a specific project, I always include the databases on that teacher's webpage. Our students are getting used to going to the ROR webpage or the teacher's webpage first before they try Google. The databases are great for many reasons, but the main one is that all of the information is reliable. Students and teachers can be sure that if a database is cited, it's ok. I only wish we had access to a literary criticism database. Maybe in the future.....

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Having gone back to school nearly every fall since 1955 either as a student, teacher or library media specialist, I find myself somewhere entirely new: in the unchartered land of the retired. I'm hoping this blog will help me find my legs. Well I guess someone else's legs would be better considering....