"Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." -- Mark Twain

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Second Posting Attempt

The teachers are using their equipment and Leslie has offered to help those having "Mac Attacks" (in the computer sense, of course) one on one.
I'm excited because she'll be doing a Podcast workshop here on Nov. 9 for staff.
In the back of my mind I'm thinking about phase 2 of Information Literacy instruction here, which involves how best to teach kids the tools they need to do a smart search on Google. I feel like our staff is on board with directing our kids to use the ROR page, so the next step is to give them what they need if they hit a dead end there.


rekomili said...

I can't WAIT for our students to start to learn about proper research. I have struggled for two years with how to direct them with thier research. I'm sure that MILP will help!

Kita Vang Her said...

Hi Linda,
Thanks to you! We are using ROR sites more at Como- I'm starting the US History research project on Monday and I'm teaching the ROR site as well as citing sources.



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Having gone back to school nearly every fall since 1955 either as a student, teacher or library media specialist, I find myself somewhere entirely new: in the unchartered land of the retired. I'm hoping this blog will help me find my legs. Well I guess someone else's legs would be better considering....