As you can see if you scroll down a bit and look on the right, I've discovered Photo Booth and now there's no turning back. Let me apologize in advance for all of the silly pictures you will see posted throughout this year. Learning how to use Mac applications is a big challenge for me because I'm not patient. I did, however, finally figure out how to get the pic from Photo Booth to the blog. I put it in iPhoto and then exported it to my desktop. There's probably a way to get it directly from iPhoto to the blog, or from Photo Booth directly to the blog, but I'll find out about that later. While exploring, I attempted to e-mail the picture to myself just to see if it would work. Evidently you need a Mac e-mail address which I tried to set up with no success. The photo in the top left corner is a daylily from my garden taken last summer. I plan to look at it in three months to remind me that summer isn't far away.