"Let us so live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." -- Mark Twain

Monday, October 15, 2007

Urban Planet Webpage - Thing #5

Creating a webpage has been one of the best ways I've found to help students and staff. Any handouts I provide during staff presentations are posted here. It's easy for students to get to the Reliable Online Resources page I've customized for easy use because there's a shortcut: comosr.spps.org/ror. They can also find reliable sites to help them with career and college research: comosr.spps.org/cc. There are smart searching tips, good books to read, our plagiarism policy, and more. The "Research Process" webpage helps students through the research process, and the MLA guideline sheets for help in citing can be found at the shortcut comosr.spps.org/mla. The "Websites for Classes" webpage has teachers' names and links I've found or they have found to help students research for specific projects. Also, the "Teacher Tools" webpage has lots of links to help them in a pinch (i.e. printing graph paper, puzzles, rubric templates, etc.) There are also links to help them research academic databases for college courses they may be taking. The webpage has made it easier for students and teachers to access the information they need at home and at school AND it's cut down on the number of handouts distributed.

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Having gone back to school nearly every fall since 1955 either as a student, teacher or library media specialist, I find myself somewhere entirely new: in the unchartered land of the retired. I'm hoping this blog will help me find my legs. Well I guess someone else's legs would be better considering....