I was looking for an image to use on a project and since I'm not at school where I have my cache of copyright-friendly images I purchased (on CDs), I went to my guru's website to see if I could find something, and sure enough, Joyce Valenza came through yet again. She's created a great page called Copyright-Friendly and Copyleft Images and Sound (Mostly!)for Use in Media Projects and Web Pages, Blogs, Wikis, etc.
It's so good, I decided to include it on my Pathways to Websites page and thought you might like to know about it too. I don't know about you, but kids are always on Google images looking for pics (completely oblivious to copyright laws) and often can't find what they're looking for. Also, staff who are concerned about copyright issues ask me where I get the images I use in Urban Planet. I'd love to share mine but can't because the copyright on the image CDs I purchased essentially says: 1) no sharing and 2) no using them for profit. Now I can send people here: http://comosr.spps.org/pics. The shortcut is comosr.spps.org/pics.
(Note: the picture of Joyce was taken by Jim Graham)
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