For five years now every fall I have presented a library orientation for our new freshmen. The talk lasts about 40 minutes. I do 13 of these presentations in a 2 week span. Even I can see that listening to me describe what goes on in the library for 40 minutes can get a little, well, ho-hum. Since year 2 I've been thinking how much better it would be to SHOW the kids instead of tell them, and the best way would be through a video using students as the actors and narrators. This year I was so fortunate to be able to work with Karen, a techno-savvy intern whom I knew could not only handle this daunting task, but would do it well. I"m happy to say that my mama didn't raise no fool. Asking Karen to produce the video was one of my better decisions (unlike the one to use my long sweater as a mini-dress for student teaching, but that's another story...) The iMovie is almost done and it will accomplish in about 15 minutes what took me 40, and will do it in an entertaining and informative way. We plan to post it on TeacherTube when it's done and I'll provide a link to it on my website. I'm excited. When you see it, you will not believe that this is Karen's first experience with iMovie. I knew she could do it. Thank you Karen!
(iMovie logo found on Google Images http://www.edb.utexas.edu/lhd/images/imovie.jpg)
Karen is truly a gem!
Hi LMC Lady,
I'm a MLIS co-op student at a university in Ontario (Canada) and I was wondering you've posted a link to the video your intern made on iMovie. I'd love to check it out! I'm interested to know how other libraries are using Apple software and to see what can be done with it!
I found them! good job! thanks!
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