I ended up unsubscribing to sitemeter because it wasn't picking up any of the visits to my webpages. In retrospect, I think it's because I missed a step. However, I'm now using Google Analytics to track how many visits my ROR pages and library homepage get. George Adams, an SPPS technical support person, lined me up with GA because it turns out the district uses it to keep track of traffic. So anyone with an SPPS webpage can contact him and set up an account with GA. What I've learned is that since the last week in August my library homepage has had 3,178 visits, my ROR page has had 3,141 visits and our school's homepage has had 21,674 visits. You can even select a map overlay option, and as you move the mouse across the world map, little bubbles pop up that tell you the number of visits from each country. So far, I've only been able to use this facet with the school's homepage, not mine, so I'm not sure if that tool is usable beyond the main page. GA is a marketing godsend, I'm sure, for businesses. There is so much measurable data in soooo many categories, it would take weeks to explore it. If you'd like to tour Google Analytics, you can.
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