While the databases the school district and state purchase for our use are fantastic, it's not realistic to think that researchers will find everything they need in them. For example, current local information is not available there. So, the first place I start when I hit a dead end in the purchased databases is at Google's Advanced Search page, a fantastic tool. You can fine tune your search and even limit the domain. I always start by searching college/university websites first by putting .edu in the domain line. That way the only hits I get will be .edu links. While nothing is ever 100% on the internet, I feel 99% confident that colleges post reliable information. This technique is how I found most of the non-subscription links I posted on teachers' webpages for specific projects. Also, on my ROR page, I've included several that I've run across through the years like the CIA World Factbook, and the following, to name just a few:
Librarians’ Internet Index: A good site if you need to get topic ideas. It provides pathways (clustering) for broad topics. Includes a broad range of websites that can be trusted.
Clusty.com: Another pathways search engine that clusters search results into categories for easier reference.
Statistical Abstract.com: Provides statistics for states and
Fedstats.gov: Provides statistics for states and
Citizendium.org : Provides information written by experts in their fields.
When I list these and other free reliable websites on my ROR page, I tag each one with*(Not a purchased database.)
I love finding great links for staff and students. It's one of my favorite library media specialist responsibilities! The ultimate goal is to equip each student with the knowledge to effectively search the internet for reliable sources, to realize when they have found one, and to use it responsibly. To help them with this, I've created a "Smart Search" webpage.
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